begin mathsize 48px style K subscript b. M space equals space T subscript b space minus space T subscript 0 end style

K=  Boiling Point Elevation Coefficient ; M = Molarity of the solution (when solute is added) ;

T0 = Boiling Point of the pure solvent; T= Boiling Point of the solution

begin mathsize 36px style K subscript b equals space fraction numerator M R T squared over denominator capital delta H end fraction end style

K= Boiling Point Elavation Coefficient ; M = Molecular weight ; T= Boiling Point of the pure Solvent ; ΔH = Heat of Vaporization ;

begin mathsize 48px style p equals x p to the power of o end style

p= Vapour Pressure of an Ideal Solution ; x= Mole Fraction of Solvent ; po =Vapour Pressure of the Pure Solvent ; 

begin mathsize 36px style K subscript f. M space equals space T subscript 0 space minus space T subscript f end style

K=  Freezing Point Depression Coefficient ; M = Molarity of the solution (when solute is added) ; T0 = Freezing Point of the pure solvent; T= Freezing Point of the solution

begin mathsize 36px style K subscript f equals fraction numerator M R T squared over denominator capital delta H subscript f u s end subscript end fraction end style

Kf  = Freezing Point Depression Coefficient ; M = Molecular Weight of the pure solvent ; R = Gas Constant ; T=  Freezing-Point of the pure solvent ; ΔHfus = Heat of Fusion ; 

begin mathsize 48px style pi equals c. R. T end style

π= Osmotic Pressure ; c= Concentration ; T = Temperature

begin mathsize 48px style mu space equals space mu to the power of o space plus R T space ln open parentheses x close parentheses end style

μ = Chemical Potential of a Solution ; μo= Chemical Potential of the pure solvent ; T = Temperature ; R= Gas Constant ; x= Mole Fraction of the Solvent ;