begin mathsize 36px style Z subscript A A end subscript equals fraction numerator straight pi. straight n. straight sigma. straight c subscript ave over denominator square root of 2 end fraction end style

ZAA=Collision frequency ; n = Molecules per unit Volume; σ = Diameter of the gas molecules ;

cave=Average Velocity of the gas molecules; 

begin mathsize 36px style E equals 5 over 2 R T space plus space left parenthesis 3 n minus 5 right parenthesis R T end style

E = Average energy / mole ; n = Number of atoms in a lenear Molecule ; R= Gas Constant ; T= Temperature

begin mathsize 48px style E equals 3 left parenthesis n minus 1 right parenthesis R T end style

E = Average energy / mole ; n = Number of atoms in a non-lenear Molecule ; R= Gas Constant ; T= Temperature

begin mathsize 36px style W equals n. R. T. l n open parentheses V subscript 2 over V subscript 1 close parentheses end style

W= Work Done;  R =Universal Gas Constant ; T = Temperature ;  V, V2=Initial and Final Volume ,

n = number of Moles; 

begin mathsize 36px style eta equals space 1 minus space T subscript c o l d end subscript over T subscript h o t end subscript end style

η =  Efficiency ; Thot =Temperature of the Hot source ; Tcold = Temperature of the Cold Sink ;

begin mathsize 36px style capital delta S space equals space R space ln space open parentheses V subscript 2 over V subscript 1 close parentheses space end style

ΔS = Entropy Change ; R = Universal Gas Constant ; V= Initial Volume ; V2 = Final Volume; 

begin mathsize 36px style ln open parentheses P subscript 2 over P subscript 1 close parentheses space equals space fraction numerator capital delta subscript v a p end subscript H subscript m over denominator R end fraction open square brackets 1 over T subscript 1 minus 1 over T subscript 2 close square brackets end style

P1 & P2 = Initial & Final Pressure ; ΔvapHm = Molar Enthalpy of vaporization ; T1 , T= Initial & Final Temperature ; R= Gas Constant ; 

begin mathsize 48px style capital delta H space equals C p capital delta T space space left parenthesis capital delta T space equals space T subscript 2 space end subscript minus T subscript 1 right parenthesis end style

ΔH= Enthalpy Change ; Cp = Heat Capacity at constant Pressure;  T, T2 = Initial & Final Temperature ;

begin mathsize 48px style capital delta H space equals space capital delta U space plus space left parenthesis n subscript 2 space minus space n subscript 1 right parenthesis space R T end style

ΔH= Enthalpy change ; ΔU = Internal Energy Change ; n1 , n2 = Gaseous reactant's and Product's Total Mole Number;

begin mathsize 48px style capital delta U space equals space C subscript v open parentheses T subscript 2 space minus space T subscript 1 close parentheses space end style

ΔU= Internal Energy Change ; Cv = Heat Capacity at constant Volume ; T2 , T1 =  Final and Initial Temperature;
