begin mathsize 48px style mu space equals space mu to the power of o space plus R T space ln open parentheses x close parentheses end style

μ = Chemical Potential of a Solution ; μo= Chemical Potential of the pure solvent ; T = Temperature ; R= Gas Constant ; x= Mole Fraction of the Solvent ;  






Ideal solution is defined as a solution whose enthalpy of mixing is zero. Further, it can be characterized as a solution where the species of the components are non-interacting, and the solute concentration is negligible. The chemical potential of such ideal solution is funtion of the chemical potential of the pure solvent , temperature and solvent mole fraction (or solute mole freaction) by the above equation. Since the solvent mole fraction is smaller than unity, logarithmic term on the right is negative. Thus the chemical potential of a solution is always smaller than the chemical potential of the pure solvent.

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