begin mathsize 36px style E subscript c e l l end subscript equals E to the power of o minus fraction numerator R T over denominator n F end fraction ln Q end style

Ecell = Electromotive force of the cell ; Eo= Standard Electrode potential of the cell ; T = Temperature ; Q= Reaction Quotient; n = The number of electrons transferred per cell reaction; R = Gas constant ; F= Faraday's Constant  

begin mathsize 48px style capital lambda to the power of o subscript e q end subscript equals lambda subscript plus to the power of o space plus space lambda subscript minus to the power of o space semicolon end style

Λoeq = Equivalence Conductivity at infinite dilution. λo+ & λ o- = Equivalence Conductivity of Cation and Anion; 

begin mathsize 48px style W equals z. i. t end style

W = Weight produced at an electrode ; z = Electrochemical equivalent  i = Current ;  t = Time ; 

begin mathsize 36px style E equals A over V end style

E= Equivalent Weight; A= Atomic Weight ; V= valency ; 

begin mathsize 36px style E to the power of o equals fraction numerator R. T over denominator n. F end fraction log K subscript a end style

Eo= Standard Electrode Potential ;  R = Gas Constant ; F = Faraday's Constant ; Keq = Equilibrium Constant ;  T = Temperature ; n = Number of electrons involved in the cell reaction ; 

begin mathsize 36px style I equals 1 half sum for i of c subscript i z subscript i squared space end style

I = Ionic Strength ; ci =  concentration of the ith ion ; zi = Charge of the ith ion

begin mathsize 48px style log space f equals negative A z squared square root of I space end style

I = Ionic Strength ; z =  Charge number of  an ionic specie ; f = Activity coefficient ;

A= A  constant that depends on temperature.
(A is assumed to be 0.509 mol-1/2 kg
-1/2 which corresponds to water at 25oC)