begin mathsize 48px style V subscript i n i end subscript S subscript i n i end subscript equals V subscript f i n end subscript S subscript f i n end subscript end style

Vini = Volume of the solution before dilution , Vfin = Volume the solution after dilution , Sini= Initial strength of the solution after dilution, Sfin= Final strength of the solution after dilution





Often dilution ( the addition of water ) is performed to reduce the strength of a solution. This is an effective method for making solutions of very lower strength, as simple addition of a very minute amount of solute to a solution is difficult because of the chances of making a human error is considerably very high. As an example if you are planning to make a (N/100) NaOH solution of 100 mL then you are required to add 0.04gm of NaOH in a 100 mL water and measuring 0.04gm leads to considerable human error. However dilution of a 1N NaOH solution is easier. This is why dilution is preferred in certain scenarios. 

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