Rydberg Equation Calculator

begin mathsize 36px style 1 over lambda equals R Z squared open square brackets 1 over n subscript f squared minus 1 over n subscript i squared close square brackets end style

λ= Wavelength of the emmited light (electromagnetic rediation) in the vacuum ; R = Rydberg Constant (1.097x 107 m-1) ; Z = Number of proton in the nucleus of the element; nf = Principal quantum number of final state; ni = Principal quantum number of the initial state 

Decay Time of Radioactive Isotope Calculator

begin mathsize 36px style t subscript bevelled 1 half end subscript space. space log open parentheses W subscript i n i end subscript over W subscript F i n end subscript close parentheses space equals space T space. space log left parenthesis 2 right parenthesis space end style

t1/2 = Half-life of the isotope; T = Time taken for the specific decay ; Wini = Initial amount of the radioactive isotope; Wfin = Final amount of the radioactive isotope

Bragg's Law Calculator

begin mathsize 48px style n lambda equals 2 d subscript h k l end subscript sin theta end style

n = An integer ;   λ = Wavelength of the incident light ; dhkl= Lattice Spacing ; θ = Angle of incidence ; 
