ΔH= Enthalpy change ; ΔU = Internal Energy Change ; n1 , n2 = Gaseous reactant's and Product's Total Mole Number;
ΔH= Enthalpy Change ; Cp = Heat Capacity at constant Pressure; T1 , T2 = Initial & Final Temperature ;
P1 & P2 = Initial & Final Pressure ; ΔvapHm = Molar Enthalpy of vaporization ; T1 , T2 = Initial & Final Temperature ; R= Gas Constant ;
ΔS = Entropy Change ; R = Universal Gas Constant ; V1 = Initial Volume ; V2 = Final Volume;
η = Efficiency ; Thot =Temperature of the Hot source ; Tcold = Temperature of the Cold Sink ;
W= Work Done; R =Universal Gas Constant ; T = Temperature ; V1 , V2=Initial and Final Volume ,
n = number of Moles;
E = Average energy / mole ; n = Number of atoms in a non-lenear Molecule ; R= Gas Constant ; T= Temperature
E = Average energy / mole ; n = Number of atoms in a lenear Molecule ; R= Gas Constant ; T= Temperature
ZAA=Collision frequency ; n = Molecules per unit Volume; σ = Diameter of the gas molecules ;
cave=Average Velocity of the gas molecules;
crms ,cave , cm = Root Mean Square , Average Velocity ,& Most Probable Velocity of gas molecules ;
M= Molecular Weight ; T =Temperature ; R= Universal Gas Constant ;