Energy of Polyatomic Gas (Non-Linear) Calculator E = Average energy / mole ; n = Number of atoms in a non-lenear Molecule ; R= Gas Constant ; T= Temperature arkajitmandal, 17.03.2015 | Posted in 0 comment
Energy of Polyatomic Gas (Linear) Calculator E = Average energy / mole ; n = Number of atoms in a lenear Molecule ; R= Gas Constant ; T= Temperature arkajitmandal, 16.03.2015 | Posted in 0 comment
Collision Frequency of a single gas Calculator ZAA=Collision frequency ; n = Molecules per unit Volume; σ = Diameter of the gas molecules ; cave=Average Velocity of the gas molecules; arkajitmandal, 15.03.2015 | Posted in 0 comment
Root Mean Square, Average, Median Velocity of Gas Calculator crms ,cave , cm = Root Mean Square , Average Velocity ,& Most Probable Velocity of gas molecules ; M= Molecular Weight ; T =Temperature ; R= Universal Gas Constant ; arkajitmandal, 15.03.2015 | Posted in 0 comment