
begin mathsize 48px style V subscript 1 S subscript 1 equals V subscript 2 S subscript 2 end style

V1 = Volume of the 1st solution , V2 = Volume of the 2nd solution , S1= Strength of the 1st solution, S2= Strength of the 2nd solution

Normality Calculator ( Making a solution of solid solute)

begin mathsize 36px style N equals fraction numerator W subscript s o l u t e end subscript. n over denominator V. M subscript w end fraction end style

N=Normality of the Solution ; Wsolute = Weight of the Solute ; V = Volume of the solution;

Mw = Molecular Weight of the Solute; n = Equivalence Factor (basicity of an acid or acidity of a base/Number of electron transfer per mole reaction)

Preparing Solution by Dilution:Strength Calculator

begin mathsize 48px style V subscript i n i end subscript S subscript i n i end subscript equals V subscript f i n end subscript S subscript f i n end subscript end style

Vini = Volume of the solution before dilution , Vfin = Volume the solution after dilution , Sini= Initial strength of the solution after dilution, Sfin= Final strength of the solution after dilution

Curie's law Calculator

begin mathsize 48px style mu subscript e f f end subscript space equals space 2.83 space square root of capital chi subscript M T end root space B. M end style

μeff = Magnetic Moment ; XM = Molar Suseptibility ; T =Temperature ; B.M= Bohr Magneton

Rydberg Equation Calculator

begin mathsize 36px style 1 over lambda equals R Z squared open square brackets 1 over n subscript f squared minus 1 over n subscript i squared close square brackets end style

λ= Wavelength of the emmited light (electromagnetic rediation) in the vacuum ; R = Rydberg Constant (1.097x 107 m-1) ; Z = Number of proton in the nucleus of the element; nf = Principal quantum number of final state; ni = Principal quantum number of the initial state 
